Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Balut - A Philippine street food

It is said that Chinese traders and migrants brought the idea of eating this boiled fertilized with underdeveloped duck or chicken egg  to the Philippines.
                      This street food is sold by a Mangbabalut or a balut vendor during night-time.

This delicay is a duck or chicken egg with embryo  inside is typically fourteen to twentydays  in gestation.  Underdeveloped duck or chicken eggs of nine to twelve days are considered Penoy which smells and tastes like hard-boiled egg, the difference is that the egg white is a bit hard compared to that of a hard-boiled egg. The magbabalut sells balut wrapped in cloth inside a styropor to retain the hotness and freshness of the egg.  The process of cooking balut is identical to that of a hard-boiled chicken egg.

 Balut is usually eaten with salt and seasoned with vinegar mixed with chili, ground pepper, onion and garlic.

The broth surrounding the embryo is sipped from the egg before the shell is peeled, and the yolk and young chick inside can be eaten. All of the contents of the egg may be consumed, although the white may remain uneaten. Balut is best eaten while hot with a pinch of salt or seasoned with vinegar with mixture of ground pepper, onion and garlic.
                                                           Slurrppp.  Happy eating.

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