Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Flash - A new mechanical ride in Ocean Park - Hong Kong Part 3

We roamed around the summit of ocean park trying to figure out what to do next. It was very hot so we tried to find a place to sit down first and cool ourselves.

From where we were seated, we can see from afar few of the hair-raising rides like the Abyss, Ocean park tower, Space wheel, etc. There was not much activity at the Abyss because maybe, the people were excited with the new ride called - Flash.

I asked my daughter if she wanted to try Abyss so that we can go down to where it was located but she declined. Also, it was quite a long walk from where we were and so hot.

Then, we saw this Flash. Krystal was asking me if she can go and have a ride. I said ok if you want to, you may. But the catch was, she will ride if I will go with her. WHAT? Me? going to ride that OMG thing? NO WAY! But Krystal kept on insisting and begging me to go and ride with her. I don't want to spoil my daughter's day and I want her to enjoy the time, so I agreed. Since we arrived late at the park, around noon time, we only have few hours to roam around and enjoy few of the attractions.

The next thing I knew was we were already queuing up for the ride - Flash. I was so nervous seeing that thing swinging and spinning around in circles. I was thinking, my God, I guess I'm paying few HK dollars for my death in here. As we get nearer to the entrance, my hands were almost shaking and knees felt weak. Well, I have to face my fear again, the second time around. First, from that cable car experience, suspended up in the air for few minutes. In fairness, I enjoyed the cable car ride.

Inside the Flash area, my camera and slipper were placed on a plastic tray inside one of the racks for safety.  Unfortunately, Krystal and I were seated separately. I could have done a great excuse of not riding the Flash but I disregard the idea because Krystal might hop off the moment she saw me getting out of the gate. After gathering back my scrambled nerves and strength, I sat on the last two vacant seats and started my prayer.

Then, the hair-raising adventure begun.

Below is a youtube link where you can see the Flash ride.

From Ocean Park's description of the Flash:

The Flash - Come take a spin, alone or with some brave friends, and get ready for the whirl of your life! Rising over 22 m high and shining like a comet, the Flash will whiz you around so fast, you are sure to see stars! This diabolical ride is capable of turning you around 360 degrees, at the dizzying top speed of 60 km/h! Combining the power to swing you full circle with a massive force of 3.9G while rotating you mercilessly in your seat, the Flash is guaranteed to push your body to its limit! Max yourself out on screaming, laughing and watching the world go by – if you’re not too busy clinging for dear life! The Flash will prove your bravery to anyone!

Have you read that? It says, you are sure to see stars! I did not only see stars, I actually saw the moon, comets, the universe and lotsa fireflies of different colors. I was shouting at the top of my lungs all the time, eyes closed every now and then as I already felt dizzy. It was like I was suspended and thrown here and there for life. Specially when we were positioned upside down. My butt was actually not sitting anymore but was suspended to somewhere else. If not with safety belt on my stomach, I guess I have fallen off already. I was really holding on to dear life. Well, I was actually cursing now and then while shouting at the top of my lungs.

After alighting from the Flash, I felt my hair were on strike and in an upright spikes. I was wobbling and felt like walking on the air. I pinched my left arm and was glad that I am still alive and in one piece.

My daughter was smiling and said, Mama let's ride again. NO WAY, I disagreed.

From afar, I took pictures of the flash as a souvenir of my first ever theme park ride.  I smiled and said to myself, I conquered my fear again. Thank you Lord for sparing my life. ;-)

I was able to unleash the child in me and be a kid again even for few hours with my daughter.

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